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The walnuts - they come from Eislingen, a city in southern Germany. They are smaller, imperfect, yet they are original, authentic.
Each of them seems to be the same, sharing the same origin, roots, and history. But somehow each one is a unique entity, formed within its own cocoon, and has found its own path to unfold.
The sensation, holding a walnut in the one hand – its size, weight, color, and every single fold conveying the woody feel. The lines, ready to be drawn by the other hand, try to interpret what this walnut represents.
Each walnut is a unique entity, just like every human being. Regardless of others‘ perspectives, we maintain our individuality.
The walnuts we know are hard, round, mostly brown. What if a walnut wants to change? What if it wants to be soft? Be colorful? Or even change its consistency?
Was there ever a moment in your life when you wished to be someone else for a change? Have you ever felt curious or jealous about others and thought it might be better to change yourself? Did you do it, even for a short moment? Did you regret it?
Somehow, the walnut was tired of trying to be others and could see through its own eyes.
It sees itself.
It feels itself.
It sets itself free.
The walnut tree, its leaves, buds, nuts, whispers the story of its existence. Each element, from the roots anchoring it deep in the earth, to the shadows it casts in the sunlight, reflects its heritage and character. Often, we don't see the hidden essence clearly.
We seek clarity in mirrors, in light, striving to understand our true selves. The shadows we observe - are they the real us? Are they mere illusion? Or are they parts of our true identity?
Don't forget the truth: Where there are shadows, there must also be light.
In moments of introspection, we break down and rebuild our understanding of ourselves. Through this process, clarity emerges, and we uncover the intricate beauty of our true nature.
We are all on the journey of self-discovery. The last part of this journey is guided by the timeless wisdom of the Five Elements of Asian culture: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood.
It explores the connection between ourselves and our surroundings, the essence of existence, and the harmonious balance that sustains life.
By engaging with the Five Elements, we reflect on ourselves and our place within the universe. We celebrate the affirmation of our existence and the deep connection with all that surrounds us.
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